Welcome to GlobeTrotterTr@vel

GlobeTrotterTr@vel is a social networking website about adventure travels toward exotic destinations such as Africa, Asia, North America, Oceania and South America. It's a website for and by adventure travelers. Adventure tourism includes ecotourism, natural, cultural and adventure tourisms. Our objective is to bring Web-users who are passionate about adventure traveling and exotic destinations to become Members. Africa, Asia, Oceania and Latin America offer natural places that satisfy the most demanding travelers and trekkers.

We aim to build a large community of adventure travelers and trekkers who like going to new destinations, sharing their traval experiences and building new links.  Members of GlobeTrotterTr@vel have possibilities to send photos and videos from their favorite destinations, choose their travel interests, discuss about their travels, read our blog and get information about countries and destinations. Members also have opportunities to connect to travel agencies from our website to book travels toward exotic destinations. Go to our Community Website.

"Bring to adventure travelers of the World social networking services and activities through a free and accessible website which reflects their tastes and preferences 24 hours / 24."

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Our Blog

Adventure Travels in Egypt


We consider Egypt as an amazing Superpower of adventure tourism in Africa. We’ve been fascinated by this country and its fabulous cultural and historical heritage, which is internationally known. This is why Egypt is the destination which attracts the highest number of tourists for Africa. As for us, we’ve considered to travel ourselves in Egypt, because we’ve been great fans of Ancient Egypt Civilization.

Furthermore, there are many things to discover for adventure travelers to believe. Adventure travelers should focus on archaeological excursions in many Ancient Egypt sites, diving in the stunning Red Sea, cruising through the magnificient Nile River, going for cultural tours in Cairo, the capital,  visiting the Sphinx, The beautiful Great Pyramid, and then Alexandria and riding a donkey or a camel. 

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