How Travel & Tourism Look After Coronavirus Crisis

This year 2020 has been deeply affected by the Coronavirus Crisis. This crisis made an important impact on travel industry around the World. So many adventure travelers couldn't travel to other destinations. Some lucky travelers were obliged to follow many strict conditions of travel. Many countries, which depend on tourism, were deeply affected by the strong decrease number of visitors. It'll take many years for the travel industry to recover from this sever crisis. As for us, we send to many people who baddly suffered around the world our message of compassion and courage for them, family and friends.

However, it's time to think about the future of tourism and travel industry in a post-Coronavirus world, especially in East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi). There're wome good news. Furthermore many countries were less affected

We share a blog post from one of our partners for this occasion.

Have a good reading.


Africa Day 2020

Dear members,

We celebrate Africa Day today. It's the annual commemoration of the foundation of the Organisation of African Unity on May 25, 1963. This day is celebrated in various countries on the African continent, as well as around the world. The organisation was transformed into the African Union on July 9, 2002 in Durban, South Africa, but the holiday continues to be celebrated on May 25.

On behalf of this special day, we reaffirm our interest of promoting adventure travels toward Africa. Since 2012, we've always considered Africa as a growing and beautiful destinations for adventure travels, especially for majestic nature and wildlife discovery and epic outdoor activity. Furthermore, we've been amazed by its impressive cultural diversity.

We've built many partneships with Angola, Benin, Burundi, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Morocco, Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. We offer you an cesse to reach our partners a book for travels. We also look for other partnerships with other african countries

Happy Africa Day 2020. Don't hesitate to discover this continent.


Announcement: Virtual Travel Website

Dear members,

Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, there's actually no place for any travel. We're sad about this situation and we offer our support for those fighting against this virus. We're also concerned by those who lost friend or family. This situation makes us think about the importance of health issues when going to travel and the impact of a pandemic on travel industry.

Unable to travel in these times ? Don't worry.

Actually, we're working on a website for virtual adventure travels. We'll publish beautiful pictures from exotic destinations you like. You'll have a very good opportunity to not only see photos and pictures from your friends, but also from the best we've selected since the beginnings. You'll also consider the new website as a book for adventure travel photography.

We're going to deliver this website as soon as it's ready.

We hope you'll be happy to discover breathbreaking photos from exotic destinations like Africa, you're fine you and friends and family and going for adventure travel as soon as possible.

Best wishes,

Visiting Mount Kenya

We've always considered Mount Kenya as one of the most important symbols and attractions for any adventure travelers going to Kenya, especially climbers, hikers and mountains fans. Mount Kenya is also the source of the name of the Republic of Kenya. There are eight walking routes up to the main peaks. Starting clockwise from the north these are the: Meru, Chogoria, Kamweti, Naro Moru, Burguret, Sirimon and Timau Routes. Of these Chogoria, Naro Moru and Sirimon and used most frequently and therefore have staffed gates. The other routes require special permission from the Kenya Wildlife Service to use.

Mount Kenya has been listed by the New York Times as one of the top 52 places to visit in 2020.

Thanks to the New York Times, one of the most important newspaper in the World, Mount Kenya's going to get more traction from adventurers willing to mounteer, hike and climb in exotic destinations like Kenya. Furthermore Kenya is going to be more considered as a major country for adventure travels in Africa.

Thanks very much New York Time.


Statement: Burnings in Australia

Dear members,

We've considered Australia as a beautiful destination for adventure travels. We're very sad about the devasting burnings, which is destroying Australia's amazing fauna and flora. Furthermore we're shocked about the losss of animals.

As we promote adventure travels toward exotic destinations, we're concerned about the nature and environment protection and the devastations caused by the global warming. We're also aware by the fact global warmings could destroy beautiful destinations whose flauna and flora use to amaze adventure travelers. This could be a tragic loss for Australia.

We send our message of condolence and courage for Australia and firemen who struugle to end these burnings.

Best wishes,

Announcement: Opening of the Grand Egyptian Museum, Egypt

Dear members,

We're great fans for Ancient Egypt and we hope we'll visit this amazing country. We've a great news for adventurers willing to discover Egypt. This is an event they're waiting for many years.

The Grand Egyptian Museum, which will be the largest archaeological museum for the Ancient Egyptian Civilization, will open at the end of 2020. The museum is sited on 50 hectares of land approximately two kilometers from the Giza pyramids and is part of a new master plan for the plateau.

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Video: Paragliding Adventures in Ethiopia


Ethiopia is becoming a more popular destination for adventure outdoor activities, such as trekking, hiking and climbing, in Africa. We present videos from adventurers doing paragliding in Ethiopia. Imagine the excitment adventurers are feeling when they do this activity in Ethiopian place such as the Simien Mountains. They're seeing Ethiopia from sky and they like getting adrenaline, testing their courage while discovering Ethiopia. Furthermore, the country offers to adventure travelers outdoor activities fans extreme landscape like mountains, volcanoes and desert depression. For any paragliding activities, the "Roof of Africa" is an ideal place.

During adventure journeys, courageous travelers can discover Ethiopia nature, while doing spectacular paragliding activities.

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Ecotourism in Africa

Because of the importance of the protection of the environment, we’re aware about the impact of mass tourism on nature. There’s a an alternative of mass tourism: ecotourism.

Ecotourism is a form of tourism involving visiting fragile, pristine, and relatively undisturbed natural areas, intended as a low-impact and often small scale alternative to standard commercial mass tourism. It means responsible travel to natural areas, conserving the environment, and improving the well-being of the local people. Its purpose may be to educate the traveler, to provide funds for ecological conservation, to directly benefit the economic development and political empowerment of local communities, or to foster respect for different cultures and for human rights. Since the 1980s, ecotourism has been considered a critical endeavor by environmentalists, so that future generations may experience destinations relatively untouched by human intervention. Several university programs use this description as the working definition of ecotourism.

Generally, ecotourism deals with interaction with biotic components of the natural environments. Ecotourism focuses on socially responsible travel, personal growth, and environmental sustainability. Ecotourism typically involves travel to destinations where flora, fauna, and cultural heritage are the primary attractions. Ecotourism is intended to offer tourists an insight into the impact of human beings on the environment and to foster a greater appreciation of our natural habitats.

Furthermore, Africa owns an extraordinary fauna and flora, which is threatned unfortunately. We stand for ecotourism, in Africa.

Adventure Travels in Africa

Dear members,

We’ve a great news to our network’s member. Since 2012, we’ve began to search partnerships between our compagny and travel compagnies. Thanks to some friends and family, we contacted some travel agencies and conculded important partnership. The travel agencies with we built partnerships were situated in Benin, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia and Tanzania. These beautiful countries are among growing or very important destinations in Africa. We also consider Africa as an emerging destinations for adventure travels in the world. Adventure travelers will discover impressive wildlife, a large diversity of landscapes and warmful and culturally strong populations.

We’re very proud to build partnerships outside our compagny. They’re very important for us and our network’s members. Firstly, these compagnies trusted us because of opportunities to meet new customers for safaris and adventure travels. Secondly, members will get important opportunities to meet travel agencies, go to commercial websites through our website and buy tickets. Finaly, we’re building a great reputation in the Web thanks to our partnerships. Also, we’re going to add events about travels proposed by our partners. So members will know the news about tours and safaris.

You can go now to the Africa page to discover exotic destinations and discover new worlds. Good travel to Africa.