Video: Discovering the Ahouakro Archaeological Parc, Côte d’Ivoire


Let's us make you know a kenyan woman youtuber, living in Côte d'Ivoire. She uses to make many videos about travels and living in Côte d'Ivoire. You'll have to discover her videos from Côte d'Ivoire. There's a great opportunity to discover an unknown archaeological parc in the middle of a forest in Côte d'Ivoire. You're going to feel this extraordinary experience, from this young woman kenyan.

Let's go to an archaeological site in Côte d'Ivoire, the Ahouakro Archaeological Parc. It's situated in the North of the Sub-prefecture of Tiassalé, 145 km from Abidjan. The site, which covers an area of 120 hectares, is dominated by plant formations characteristic of the forest-savanna border. The Ahouakro Archaeological Park is located within a massif made of magmatic megaliths essentially composed of oligoclase, quartz, hornblende and green biotites.

This ensemble is dated to the Rhyacian Period, i.e. on the Middle of the Paleoproterozoic Era, from 2,300 to 2,150 million years ago. The local Baoulé populations, both riparian and managers of the site, have adopted singular and original toponymies, according to particular configurations ("finger of Nanan Koffi Ahoua", "intelligence in balance", "corrective rock", etc.) or according to religious meanings (residence of the male genius "diandia-yassoa", residence of the female genius "diandia bla", place of the assembly of geniuses "awlokloun", etc.). In addition to these megaliths, the Archaeological Park of Ahouakro shelters many vestiges of disappeared civilizations. Here and there we discover polishing workshops, traces of tool sharpening, grooved monuments with artistic decoration and rocks with decorative walls, from the Neolithic period.

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